Select Crane Sales Delivers National NBT45 to Marc's Crane Service

Wed October 21, 2020
Select Crane Sales

Select Crane Sales delivered a 2010 National NBT45 to Marc's Crane Service of Miami, Fla.

The National NBT45 is mounted on a Peterbilt 367 and offers 45-ton capacity with 127 ft. of main boom.

The National NBT45 is fully compliant with both crane and aerial lifting standards for increased utilization as a 45 ton crane or 1200 lb. platform aerial lift.

The NBT45 offers numerous features that make for easy setup and efficient operation. It offers proportional joystick control inthe operator cab and fully adjustable single-axis joystick in aerial lift platform that offer real-time feedback.

Select Crane Sales specializes in the sale of new and used cranes including: all terrain cranes, hydraulic truck cranes, carry deck cranes, boom trucks, rough terrain cranes, crawler/dragline cranes and tower cranes.

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