2000 Sterling L9500
Auction Pricing

Category: Boom Truck Cranes
Machine Name: 2000 Sterling L9500
Machine Location:Montreal, QC
Serial Number: 2FZNEWCB9YAG01906
Auction Info:

   Auction Info: Starting on 2025-03-26Click here to bid and see more info →

More Info: https://www.rbauction.com/2000-STERLING-L9500?invId=15403201&id=ci&auction=MONTREAL-QC-2025243&utm_source=ceg1&utm_medium=syndication&utm_campaign=rba-syndication
Description: Cat C12 6 Cylinder 11.9 L Diesel 335 hp Engine, 1999 US EPA Label, 7085 Engine hrs, Engine Brake, Eaton Fuller 8LL Manual Transmission, Differential Lock, 18000 lb Front Axle, 40000 lb Rears, 26308 kg GVWR, 385/65R22.5 Front Tires, 11R22.5 Rear Tires, Dual Steering Boxes, Rubber over Walking Beam Suspension, 276 in Wheelbase, PTO, 2800 kg Capacity, Rear Mounted, 7.7 m - 12 m 3 Section Boom, Out and Down Outriggers, Cord and Cordless Remote Controls 20 ft x 102 in Bed ... insp 23-05 INSPECTION ANNUELLE EXPIREE / ANNUAL INSPECTION EXPIRED, CONTROLE AU CONTENEUR RBA / CONTROL AT RBA CONTAINER, CARFAX DISPONIBLE / CARFAX AVAILABLE
Boom Truck Cranes
2000 Sterling L9500
Auction Pricing

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Dealer Information:
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Montreal, QC
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