2013 Tadano GR-550XL-2
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Category: Rough Terrain Cranes
Machine Name: 2013 Tadano GR-550XL-2
Machine Location:Corpus Christi, TX
Description: 113' boom, 50' lattice jib, Cummins QSB6.7 dsl eng ball and block, Tadano GR-550XL-2, Hydraulic Rough Terrain Crane serial number 540908, equipped with the following:, •, Four section full power synchronized boom, •, 35.1'-113.9' (10.7 m-34.7 m), •, 28.9' or 5O' (8.8 m or 1S.2 m) bi-fold lattice jib (till type) with 5°,25° or 45° pinned offsets and, self storing pins., •, Auxiliary lifting sheave (single top) stowable, •, Variable speed main hoist with grooved drum, cable follower and 633' 3/4" cable., •, Variable speed auxiliary hoist with grooved drum, cable follower and 361' of 3/4" cable., •, Drum rotation indicator (audible,visible and thumper type) main and auxiliary hoist, •, Anti-Two block device (overwind cutout), •, Boom angle indicator, •, Tadano electronic load moment indicator system (AML-C), •, Outrigger extension length detector, •, Electronic crane monitoring system, •, Tadano twin swing system and 360 degree positive swing lock, •, Self-centering finger contr
Rough Terrain Cranes
2013 Tadano GR-550XL-2
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Scott-Macon Equipment
Corpus Christi, TX
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